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Customer Reviews - Main Review Page

While we think we do a pretty awesome job, here are some of what our customers have to say.

I'm so happy with Woodward Pet Sitting! A trip out of town came up unexpectedly and none of my regular dogsitters (family and close friends) were available. My neighbor told me to look on the Pleasant Ridge FB page and there was an ad for Woodward Pet Sitting. I emailed Audrey, we had a really nice chat about my dog and all of a sudden the ball was rolling, so to speak!

The whole business is so professional, from the website to the necessary forms to fill out, and I really felt secure doing this. When I got home after leaving my dog for three days, something I have never, ever done in her long life, she was happy and playful and no worse for the wear. Ironically, another two-day away trip popped up the next week, so I called Woodward Pet Sitting right away. This time Audrey left homemade dog treats in a jar with a ribbon. Great, dependable service, reasonably price, but most importantly, a feeling of security. And texted pics of your pets during your time away! Thanks!!!
Lynn - Pleasant Ridge - 2013

Review Blurbs
Jake and Audrey have both dogsat for us in our home, and taken our pit-shepherd mix into their home for a weekend, and we couldn't be happier. When we come home after a trip, our dogs are energetic, well-rested, and joyful.

We are so pleased to have found Woodward Pet Sitting after moving to the area last fall. We have worked with other pet sitting services in the past and Audrey is far and away the most professional and responsive. Highly recommended.

I can't even begin to express how blown away we are with you both!! The daily emails were so genuine and so appreciated. We knew from the descriptions of her mannerism that she was happy, which relieves so much stress and nervousness about her first pet sitting experience for us. ...
