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Customer Reviews - Main Review Page

While we think we do a pretty awesome job, here are some of what our customers have to say.

I got a call from my dog walker last Friday which was unusual. She said that my pipes burst & water was flooding my house. She said she would stay there until I arrived. Thank goodness for Audrey.

She put towels all over the kitchen floor & saved my hardwood floor as a result of her quick action. She was willing to take the time out of her day to wait for me which was her time & money. She deserves to be commended for her efforts!! She treated my home & pets like they are her own & I can't thank her enough.
Tina - Beverly Hills - 2014

Review Blurbs
I can't even begin to express how blown away we are with you both!! The daily emails were so genuine and so appreciated. We knew from the descriptions of her mannerism that she was happy, which relieves so much stress and nervousness about her first pet sitting experience for us. ...

Great experience! The website makes the services & charges very clear, and scheduling the consultation & pet sit was easy. My two cats are incredibly shy so I was amazed when I saw that one of them had come out of his hiding spot by the 2nd visit, and even the especially...

We love more than anything when we get awesome, unsolicited testimonials regarding the local businesses we like to recommend. Kudos to you, Audrey, and your great business practices. We get great reviews on you guys ALL the time!
